Traditionally, natural fibers are utilized in all cultures for creating utilitarian
products. Different parts of the plant are used. Fibers are often extracted from the bark
(banana, jute, hemp, ramie), stem (banana, palm, bamboo), leaf (palm, screw
pine, sisal, agave), husk (coir), seeds (cotton), and grass (sikki, madhurkati,
benakati, munj). Animal fibers are obtained from a range of animal coats, and bug fibers from cocoons.
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Even before the arrival of
artificial fibers, manufacturers could create many different forms of fabrics, differing
mainly by fiber content, weight, form
of weave, or sheen. Here are just some of those historic
fabrics, together with the fibre from which they were
originally made (nearly all are
often made now with other fibers, either natural or synthetic).
Natural fibers have traditionally been utilized in all cultures of the planet to fulfill basic
requirements of clothing, storage, artifact,
and for items of daily use like ropes
and fishing nets. People in olden times used various forms of natural fibers betting on their local
The first stuff in
history was apparently made with clay and straw in Egypt 3000 years ago to create walls. Hemp was
cultivated in China in 2800 BC and is
taken into account one in
all the oldest natural fibers to be taken in use for creating products together with linen. Hemp in
Greek and Latin terminology was cannabis that led to the word canvas as hemp
was used for creating sails
of boats. Flax or fine linen was used for burial shrouds of Egyptian pharaohs.
Similarly, nettle was used for
creating fishing nets in olden times.
India is rich in plant resources and
also the use of a
range of natural fibers like banana, pineapple, sisal, hemp, coconut, palm, grasses
etc was widely prevalent in olden times. Their use became limited once cotton
acquired the prime status of plant fibers. In cotton production, organic cotton
accounts for a really small
percentage of total cotton production. Silk, linen, and jute are other natural
fibers that have continued to enjoy popularity.
Linen/Flax Fiber
Linen is one in all the
earliest products known to civilization. When the person was in his earliest primitive state, living on the
wide animals he hunted, the skins of
these animals formed his only clothing. Later, when nomadic
communities formed, driving herds of cattle and sheep across the lands of
Eastern Europe during those great migrations, the wool from those flocks of
sheep was wont to clothe
their owners.
After a protracted period
of history, the person settled
down, built himself permanent cities, and cultivated the land. one in all the products of the
soil was flax, and out of the fiber from flax, linen was made. Linen is,
therefore, the earliest known vegetable fabric to be woven.
Domestication of fiber flax to
mention nothing of seed flax occurred in India and China before
that of cotton – over 5,000
years ago. Some scholars believe that flax originally came from western Persia
and adjoin to other
countries regarded to be the regions of early flax cultivation – India, China
and Central Asia and westwards and southwestwards, primarily, to Babylon and
Cotton Fibers
The oldest cotton fibers and boll fragments, dated from around 5000 B.C., were
discovered in Mexico. In 5 B.C., the Greek historian Herodotus reported of a
plant that “bore fleece.” Cotton has been worn in India and Egypt for over
5,000 years. Cotton was grown by Native Americans as early as 1500. In
England within the 1700s, it had been against the law to
import or manufacture fabric product
of cotton since it had
been a threat to the sheep and wool industry.
American colonists were ready to grow plenty of cottons, but processing
was difficult. it had been not
until the 1700s that the cotton industry flourished within the us. it had been then that Samuel Slater, an Englishman,
built the primary American textile mill. These mills converted
cotton fibers into yarn and cloth.
In 1793, manufacturer developed
the gin, which mechanically
separates the seed from the lint fiber. Whitney named his machine a “gin,”
short for the word “engine.” Technology has improved over the past centuries
making cotton growth and production way more efficient
Wool Fibers
Over 8,000 years ago people domesticated sheep. Sheep were one in all the primary animals to be herded
by humans. Sheep helped provide people with food, clothing, and shelter. As
humans moved from place to put,
sheep were easy to herd and take with them.
Buying and selling wool cloth was important to several areas. As early as 4,000 B.C. woolen cloth
was getting used within the city of Babylon.
Babylon means “land of wool.”
Manmade Fibers
The history of artificial fibers is a smaller amount than a
century old; until 1910, there
have been no synthetic or chemical fibers. Today, by mixing
different components, manufacturers can take the essential fibers listed below and make them more
waterproof or more absorbent, warmer or cooler, thicker or thinner, stiffer or
more supple. Some, like polyester and spandex, combine well with natural
fibers, making fabrics that wrinkle less or are more form-fitting.
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